Thursday, March 19, 2009

Who Magazine & Positive Body Image

This week's issue of Who magazine profiled a handful of celebrities who shared how they've triumphed over body image issues.

From 25 year old Jennifer Hawkins, who admits to having a 'love-hate' relationship with her body, however, says "if you're healthy and you feel good, then that's all that matters", to Danni Minogue, 37, who says "I hope, for the sake of younger girls, that there will be a time when it's accepted that we're all different shapes".

Kate Ceberano, 42, says that becoming a mother helped the singer to value her shape " I was a hottie when I was in my 20s but I thought I looked disgusting. At that time I was very disappointed that I didn't look the way I wanted to, but now I'm able to focus on the things I do like".

It's refreshing to see a mainstream magazine promoting awareness of positive body image, and celebrities speaking out about overcoming their struggles with the way their bodies looked.

In an age where society tends to sensationalise the "stick thin" concept, and brand celebrities with the dreaded 'F' word if they aren't cutting it as a size zero, this kind of feature goes a long way in helping young adults accept themselves as they are.

I personally feel that we need to nurture teens and young adults, and encourage self acceptance so they feel a sense of confidence that evolves with maturity. This can only be achieved by creating positive role models who in turn have a positive impact on the younger generation.

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